Sound Research WIKINDX

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Displaying 1 - 81  of 81 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)

A Source Book of Gestalt Psychology [Book] [1]  An Essay across Disciplines [Book] [1]  Analog Communication: Evolution, Brain Mechanisms, Dynamics, Simulation [Book] [1]  Analysis and Interpretation of the Exact Sciences: Essays in Honour of William Demopoulos [Book] [1]  Attention and Time [Book] [1]  Auditory Display: Sonification, Audification, and Auditory Interfaces [Book] [6]  Auditory Imagery [Book] [2]  Autobiographical memory [Book] [1]  Bats in the Anthropocene: Conservation of Bats in a Changing World [Book] [1]  Being There: Concepts, Effects and Measurements of User Presence in Synthetic Environments [Book] [3]  Body, Sound and Space in Music and Beyond: Multimodal Explorations [Book] [1]  Boundaries of Self and Reality Online [Book] [1]  Collection, Laboratory, Theater: Scenes of Knowledge in the 17th Century [Book] [1]  Computational Analysis of Sound Scenes and Events [Book] [1]  Computer Games: Text, Narrative and Play [Book] [3]  Conceiving Virtuality: From Art To Technology [Book] [1]  Cultural Psychology of Musical Experience [Book] [1]  Edinburgh Companion to Literature & Sound Studies. [Book] [1]  Emotion in Games [Book] [1]  Essays on Sound and Vision [Book] [1]  Explorations in Communication [Book] [1]  Film Sound: Theory and Practice [Book] [1]  Foundations in Sound Design for Interactive Media [Book] [1]  Four Quartets [Book] [1]  Game sound technology and player interaction: concepts and developments [Book] [7]  Handbook of Augmented Reality [Book] [1]  Hearing and Deafness [Book] [1]  Hearing Cultures: Essays on Sound Listening and Modernity [Book] [7]  Hearing History [Book] [1]  Horror Video Games: Essays on the Fusion of Fear and Play [Book] [1]  Image Music Text [Book] [1]  Innovations in Applied Artificial Intelligence [Book] [1]  Insect Hearing [Book] [3]  Language Pangs: On Pain and the Origin of Language [Book] [1]  Margins of Philosophy [Book] [1]  Music and Emotion: Theory and Research [Book] [2]  Musical Communication [Book] [1]  Musical Imagery [Book] [1]  Noise and Vibration Control Engineering: Principles and Applications [Book] [1]  Nonverbal Communication in Virtual Worlds: Understanding and Designing Epressive Characters [Book] [1]  Of Minds and Molecules: New Philosophical Perspectives on Chemistry [Book] [1]  Oxford English Dictionary [OED] [Book] [1]  Oxford English Dictionary Online [OED] [Book] [2]  Phenomenology of perception [Book] [1]  Playing Video Games: Motives, Responses, and Consequences [Book] [1]  Proceedings of the 7th Audio Mostly Conference: A Conference on Interaction with Sound [Book] [1]  Psychology of Music in Multimedia [Book] [1]  Reading, Perception and Language: Papers from the World Congress on Dyslexia [Book] [1]  Rethinking Music through Science and Technology Studies, [Book] [1]  Schermi interattivi saggi critici su videogiochi e cinema [Book] [1]  Screenplay: Cinema/Videogames/Interfaces [Book] [15]  Sound as Popular Culture: A Research Companion [Book] [1]  Sound Theory Sound Practice [Book] [18]  Sound, Music, Affect: Theorizing Sonic Experience [Book] [1]  Sounds & Perception [Book] [5]  The Cinema Apparatus [Book] [1]  The Cinematic Apparatus [Book] [1]  The Evolution of Cognition [Book] [1]  The Medium of the Video Game [Book] [10]  The Neural Bases of Multisensory Processes [Book] [1]  The Oxford Handbook of Interactive Audio [Book] [1]  The Oxford Handbook of Sound and Imagination [Book] [9]  The Oxford Handbook of Sound Studies [Book] [2]  The Oxford Handbook of Video Game Music and Sound [Book] [4]  The Oxford Handbook of Virtuality [Book] [9]  The Phenomenology of Real and Virtual Places [Book] [1]  The Philosophy of Karl Popper [Book] [1]  The PSI handbook of virtual environments for training and education: VE components and training technologies [Book] [1]  The Psychology of Music [Book] [1]  The Routledge Companion to Sounding Art [Book] [1]  The Routledge Companion to Video Game Studies [Book] [1]  The Sound Studies Companion [Book] [1]  The Sound Studies Reader [Book] [1]  The Study of Time: Proceedings of the First Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Oberwolfach (Black Forest) --- West Germany [Book] [1]  The Video Game Theory Reader [Book] [2]  Thinking in Sound: The Cognitive Psychology of Human Audition [Book] [4]  Time in our Times: Stretching Contemporary Understandings of Time [Book] [1]  Transactions on Computational Science: Special Issue on Cyberworlds [Book] [1]  Understanding digital games [Book] [1]  Virtual Environments and Advanced Interface Design [Book] [2]  VOICE Vocal Aesthetics in Digital Arts and Media [Book] [1]

WIKINDX 6.11.0 | Total resources: 1332 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: American Psychological Association (APA)