Sound Research WIKINDX

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Illusion [2]  Imaginary contagion [7]  Imagination [28]  Imaginative resistance [9]  Immersion [303]  Impossibility hypothesis [2]  Indexicality [5]  Induction [2]  Insects [1]  Intentionality [4]  Interaction [4]  Involvement [2]  Judgement [1]  Kinaesthetics [2]  Knowledge [17]  Language [2]  Learning [2]  Listening modes [4]  Literature [5]  Localization [10]  Location of sound [10]  Lombard effect [1]  Marine sounds [1]  Meaning [7]  Mediation [1]  Memory [7]  Metaphor [2]  Mind [3]  Modality [2]  Motion [1]  Multimodality [1]  Music [16]  Musicking [10]  Narrative [17]  Navigation [5]  Neuroscience [5]  Noise [16]  Odour [1]  Onomatopoeia [3]  Ontology [2]  Organisation [1]  Other-presence [1]  Perception [181]  perception sensation knowledge [1]  Perceptual hypotheses [7]  Perceptual synchrony [3]  Performance [11]  Perspective [2]  Phenomenology [107]  Philosophy [11]  Physics [2]  Plants [2]  Player experience [2]  POA [6]  Poetics [3]  Pollution [4]  Potential [1]  POV [2]  Presence [403]  Presence (definition) [22]  Procedural audio [1]  Protention [4]  Psychoacoustics [2]  Psychology [2]  Psychophysiology [1]  Readiness potential [1]  Realism [58]  Reality [43]  Reality/Virtuality/Actuality [70]  Reason [15]  Reproduction/Representation [10]  Resourcification [18]  Salience [8]  Schemas [4]  Self [25]  Self-Organizing System [1]  Self-presence [2]  Semantic categorization [9]  Semiotics [10]  Sensation [35]  Sensory fidelity [1]  Sensory filter [2]  Silence [4]  Simile [1]  Simulacra [8]  Simulation [7]  Smell [6]  Society [5]  Sonification [8]  Sound-only Games [1]  Sound Art [2]  sound design [1]  Sound mappings [4]  Sound objects [2]  Sound Recording [4]  Soundscape [15]  Sound studies [18]  Space [106]  Speech [16]  Speed of sound [1]

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WIKINDX 6.9.0 | Total resources: 1303 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: American Psychological Association (APA)