Sound Research WIKINDX

Browse Publishers

Displaying 1 - 100  of 362 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)

(Amsterdam) [1]  (Copenhagen University) [1]  (Gothenburg, Sweden) [1]  (Jeju, Korea) [1]  (Kopenhagen) [1]  (Kyoto, Japan) [1]  (Madrid) [1]  (Piteå, Sweden) [2]  (Singapore) [1]  20th Century Fox [1]  Aalborg University/IT University of Copenhagen (Copenhagen) [4]  Abacus (London) [1]  Ablex (Westport, Conn) [1]  Academic Press (San Diego) [1]  ACM [1]  ACM (Boston) [1]  ACM (Boston, MA) [1]  ACM (New York) [6]  ACM (Portland, Oregon) [1]  ACM (San Antonio, Texas) [1]  ACM (Snowbird, Utah) [1]  Acoustical Society of America [1]  Acoustical Society of America (Melville, NY) [1]  Activision [5]  Addison-Wesley (New York) [1]  Addison-Wesley (Reading MA) [6]  American Association for Laboratory Animal Science [1]  American College of Surgeons (USA) [1]  American Physiological Society [1]  American Psychological Association (Washington) [3]  Arcade (New York) [1]  Århus Universitet (Denmark) [1]  arXiv [1]  ASA Press (Melville NY) [1]  Ashgate (Aldershot) [2]  Association for Computing Machinery [1]  Association for Computing Machinery (Redwood City, California) [1]  Association for Computing Machinery (Vienna) [1]  Atari (New York) [2]  Athens Information Technology (Athens, Greece) [1]  Athlone Press (London) [1]  Audio Engineering Society (Berlin) [1]  Audio Engineering Society (London) [1]  Audio Engineering Society (New York) [1]  Audio Mostly (Röntgenbau, Ilmenau, Germany) [6]  Australian Acoustical Society (Melbourne) [1]  Automatic Press / VIP [1]  BBC [4]  BBC Radio 3 (United Kingdom) [1]  Beacon Press (Boston) [1]  Bentham Open [1]  Berg (Oxford) [7]  Blackwell (Oxford) [3]  Bloomsbury Academic (New York) [1]  BMJ Publishing Group [2]  Bournemouth University [1]  British International Pictures [1]  Brøderbund [1]  Buena Vista [1]  Cambridge University Press [1]  Cambridge University Press (Cambridge) [1]  CEN [1]  Cengage Learning [1]  CGames (Dublin Institute of Technology) [3]  cGames (La Rochelle) [1]  Clarendon Press (Oxford) [4]  CMP Books (Lawrence, Kansas) [1]  CNN [2]  Codemasters [1]  COEX (Seoul, Korea) [1]  Cognitive Science Society [1]  Coimbra University (Coimbra, PT) [1]  Collins (London) [1]  Columbia University Press (New York) [5]  Condé Nast Digital [1]  Continuum (London) [1]  Continuum (New York) [1]  CRC Press/Taylor & Francis (Boca Raton (FL)) [1]  CSC- Scientific Computing Ltd. (Espoo, Finland) [1]  CyberGames (Manchester) [1]  D. Appleton and Company (New York) [1]  D. Reidel Publishing Co. (Dordecht) [1]  DAC (RMIT, Melbourne) [9]  Danish Design School of Copenhagen (Denmark) [1]  Danish Standards Association [3]  Dartmouth College (New Hampshire) [1]  De Gruyter (Berlin) [2]  Department of Defense (USA) [1]  Department of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science, University of Twente (Netherlands) [1]  Department of Philosophy, Stanford University (CA) [1]  Destiny Books (Rochester Vt) [1]  DiGRA (Brunel University) [1]  DiGRA (Toronto) [7]  DiGRA (University of Tokyo) [3]  DIGRA (Utrecht Universiteit) [5]  DIGRA (Utrecht Universiteit) [1]  DIGRA (Utrecht Universiteit) [1]  DiGRA/Utrecht School of the Arts (Hilversum, the Netherlands) [1]  Disney/Pixar Animation Studios [1]  Dreamworks SKG [1]

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WIKINDX 6.11.0 | Total resources: 1332 | Username: -- | Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography | Style: American Psychological Association (APA)