Sound Research WIKINDX

Browse Publishers

Displaying 1 - 73  of 73 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)

(Amsterdam) [1]  (Gothenburg, Sweden) [1]  (Jeju, Korea) [1]  (Kopenhagen) [1]  (Kyoto, Japan) [1]  (Madrid) [1]  (Piteå, Sweden) [2]  (Singapore) [1]  Aalborg University/IT University of Copenhagen (Copenhagen) [4]  ACM [3]  ACM (Boston) [1]  ACM (Boston, MA) [1]  ACM (New York) [2]  ACM (Portland, Oregon) [1]  ACM (San Antonio, Texas) [1]  ACM (Snowbird, Utah) [1]  Acoustical Society of America [1]  Association for Computing Machinery (Vienna) [1]  Athens Information Technology (Athens, Greece) [1]  Audio Engineering Society (Berlin) [1]  Audio Engineering Society (London) [1]  Audio Engineering Society (New York) [1]  Audio Mostly (Röntgenbau, Ilmenau, Germany) [6]  Australian Acoustical Society (Melbourne) [1]  CGames (Dublin Institute of Technology) [3]  cGames (La Rochelle) [1]  COEX (Seoul, Korea) [1]  Coimbra University (Coimbra, PT) [1]  CyberGames (Manchester) [1]  DiGRA (Brunel University) [1]  DiGRA (University of Tokyo) [3]  DIGRA (Utrecht Universiteit) [1]  DIGRA (Utrecht Universiteit) [1]  DIGRA (Utrecht Universiteit) [5]  DiGRA/Utrecht School of the Arts (Hilversum, the Netherlands) [1]  Eindhoven University of Technology (Eindhoven) [1]  Elsevier (Amsterdam) [7]  Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology (Röntgenbau, Ilmenau) [3]  Fraunhofer Verlag [1]  Game Design & Technology (Liverpool) [1]  HCI International [1]  HUMAINE (Memphis Tennessee) [1]  Human-computer Interaction (New Orleans) [1]  Human-Computer Interaction International [1]  IADIS (Prague) [1]  ICAD (Atlanta) [2]  ICAD (Sydney, Australia) [1]  ICDVRAT (Alghero, Italy) [1]  IEEE [1]  IEEE (San Antonio, Texas) [1]  IEEE Computer Society (Washington, USA) [1]  International Association for Development of the Information Society [1]  International Computer Music Conference Proceedings (University of Huddersfield, England.) [1]  International Conference on Computational Creativity (Paris) [1]  International Society for Music Information Retrieval [1]  International Society for Optical Engineering (San Jose) [1]  International Society for Presence Research (Philadelphia) [1]  Kelly, M. (Royal Academy of Engineering, London, UK.) [1]  Kelly, M. Proceedings AES 35th International Conference Audio for Games (London, UK.) [1]  Liverpool John Moores University (Liverpool) [1]  Liverpool John Moores University (Liverpool, UK) [1]  MOVES Institute (Naval Postgraduate School) [1]  Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (Den Haag, The Netherlands) [1]  Royal Academy of Engineering (London, UK.) [1]  simulation Industry Association of Australia (Melbourne) [1]  Springer International Publishing (Switzerland) [4]  Springer Verlag [1]  Springer-Verlag (Berlin Heidelberg) [2]  The International Journal of Intelligent Games and Simulation (University of Wolverhampton, UK) [1]  University of Glasgow (Glasgow) [1]  University of Montreal (Montreal) [1]  University of Wolverhampton (Wolverhampton, UK) [3]  Workshop at the Int. Conf. on Advances in Computer Entertainment (Salzburg, Austria) [1]