Sound Research WIKINDX

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Knakkergaard, M. (2016). Unsound sound: On the ontology of sound in the digital age. Leonardo Music Journal, 26, 64–67.   
Added by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard   Last edited by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard 11/1/17, 7:44 AM
Using Heidegger, he describes the uncovering of nature made possible by technology, a process driven by humans: the uncovering is ordered and, in its ordering, "is co-shaping our concept and understanding of what is uncovered and ordered [there is a ] formatting that the exercise of any technique applies to what is uncovered and made available."
"The assembly is manifested in enframing form, but is it the real as standing reserve the enframing uncovers? Hardly, as the possible "un-covering" seems petrified in the metaphorical tables that define and delimit actions in the digital domain."