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Wilcox-Netepczuk, D. 2013, July 30–August 1, Immersion and realism in video games: The confused moniker of video game engrossment. Paper presented at The 18th International Conference on Computer Games. 
Added by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard (7/28/17, 11:26 AM)   Last edited by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard (7/28/17, 11:30 AM)
Resource type: Proceedings Article
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.1109/CGames.2013.6632613
BibTeX citation key: WilcoxNetepczuk2013
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Categories: Game Design
Keywords: Immersion, Presence
Creators: Wilcox-Netepczuk
Collection: The 18th International Conference on Computer Games
Views: 5/586
"Video games have dramatically increased in realism over the past several years. With an increase in both graphical fidelity and gameplay realism, this increase has been used to further immersion in video games on many levels. Video games have been subject to the term “immersion” for many years now, used in both the context of entertainment and marketing. This paper explores the effects of realism on immersion in video games, as well as considering what immersion means to a video game and gameplay in general."
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