Sound Research WIKINDX

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Displaying 1 - 100  of 330 (Bibliography: WIKINDX Master Bibliography)

3D audio [1]  8-bit [1]  Abjection [1]  Absurdity [1]  Academia [2]  Acousmatic sound [12]  Acoustic ecology [29]  Acoustics [20]  adaptive [4]  adaptive music [1]  aesthetics [13]  Affect [4]  Affordance [7]  Agency [1]  Agents [3]  Alarms [3]  Ambiguity [29]  Ambivalence [3]  Animals [4]  Animals and music [1]  Animal sounds [3]  Anthropocentricity [4]  Anthropology [3]  Arcade [3]  Architecture [2]  Artificial Intelligence [4]  Asynchronicity [2]  Attention [5]  Audiation [1]  Audiences [3]  Audification [2]  audio design [2]  Audio retrieval [2]  Auditory Display [2]  Auditory implants [1]  Auditory interfaces [1]  Auditory Space [3]  Auditory Worlds [5]  Augmented reality [1]  Aural Imagery [22]  Authenticity [3]  Automata [3]  Autopoiesis [10]  Bats [15]  Being [2]  Binding problem [4]  Bioacoustics [5]  Biodiversity [2]  Biofeedback [7]  Biomusic [2]  Bird [3]  Cardiology [2]  Caricature [2]  Cartoons [2]  Categorization [2]  Causality [2]  chipmusic [2]  Cinema [12]  Cochlea [1]  Cocktail Party Effect [4]  Cognition [32]  collaboration [1]  Comic effect [1]  Computer Music [3]  Conceptual blending [1]  Consciousness [1]  Consonance/Dissonance [1]  Contingency [1]  Counterfactual imagination [1]  creative design practices [1]  Creativity [8]  Cross-modality [25]  Culture [6]  Cybernetics [2]  Data [1]  Deafness [4]  Death [1]  Definition of sound [45]  Democracy & pollution [1]  Demographics [2]  demoscene [1]  design research [2]  Diegetic/non-diegetic [18]  Digital [1]  Diminished reality [1]  Disgust [2]  Distal attribution [1]  Documentary [1]  Drama [5]  Earcons & Auditory Icons [8]  Ecology [10]  Education [4]  Electroencephalograhy [4]  Electronic Gambling Machines [1]  Electronic space [8]  Embodied cognition [17]  Embodiment [2]  Emotion [52]  Engagement [4]  Environment [8]

1 - 100  |  101 - 200  |  201 - 300  |  301 - 330