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Ueda, M., Ōta, A., & Takahashi, H. 2014, November 16–19, Investigation on high-frequency noise in public space. Paper presented at INTERNOISE 2014 – 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering: Improving the World Through Noise Control, Melbourne. 
Added by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard (9/24/23, 11:24 AM)   Last edited by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard (9/24/23, 11:30 AM)
Resource type: Proceedings Article
Language: en: English
Peer reviewed
BibTeX citation key: Ueda2014
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Categories: General
Keywords: Health, Hearing, Ultrasound
Creators: Ōta, Takahashi, Ueda
Publisher: Australian Acoustical Society (Melbourne)
Collection: INTERNOISE 2014 – 43rd International Congress on Noise Control Engineering: Improving the World Through Noise Control
Views: 3/287
"In recent years, rodent repelling devices are increasing in urban public spaces, especially in front of food storages or restaurants. These devices emit high-frequency noise, whose spectral peak is around 20 kHz, with extremely high sound pressure. To make good use of these high-frequency sounds adequately and effectively, security of the people exposed to these sounds must be ensured. Especially young children are supposed to be sensitive to high-frequency sounds. Hence, the consideration to the security of them is a matter requiring immediate attention. As a first step to solve this matter, the measurement of noise from a rodent repelling device was carried out in a commercial facility. In parallel with that, questionnaire survey was conducted to the workers and young users in the facility. The measurement results showed that the maximum sound pressure level was about 120 dB directly under the device, and more than 90 dB at the point of 15 m away from the device. Concerning the result of the questionnaire survey, the younger workers and users recognized the high-frequency sound from the rodent repelling device more clearly when compared with the elderly workers. Furthermore, most of the answerers who recognized the high-frequency sound reported negative evaluation, such as "unpleasant", "noisy", "having a headache or an earache" and so on. Taking these serious results, remedial measures were discussed while considering economical efficiency, immediacy and facility. The specific method and the result of remedial measures will be described in this paper."