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Huiberts, S., & van Tol, R. (2008). IEZA: A framework for game audio. Gamasutra, Retrieved January 24, 2008, from ... work_for_game_audio.php 
Added by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard (1/24/08, 12:25 PM)   
Resource type: Web Article
BibTeX citation key: Huiberts2008
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Categories: Typologies/Taxonomies
Creators: Huiberts, van Tol
Collection: Gamasutra
Views: 3/1000
Surprisingly little has been written in the field of ludology about the structure and composition of game audio. The available literature mainly focuses on production issues (such as recording and mixing) and technological aspects (for example hardware, programming and implementation). Typologies for game audio are scarce and a coherent framework for game audio does not yet exist.

This article describes our search for a usable and coherent framework for game audio, in order to contribute to a critical discourse that can help designers and developers of different disciplines communicate and expand the borders of this emerging field.

Based on a review of existing literature and repertoire we have formulated a framework for game audio. It describes the dimensions of game audio and introduces design properties for each dimension.
Added by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard  
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