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Farnell, A. 2007, September 28–29, Synthetic game audio with puredata. Paper presented at Audio Mostly 2007, Röntgenbau, Ilmenau. 
Added by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard (5/7/08, 12:19 PM)   
Resource type: Proceedings Article
BibTeX citation key: Farnell2007a
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Categories: Sound Design
Keywords: Procedural audio, Synthesis
Creators: Farnell
Publisher: Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology (Röntgenbau, Ilmenau)
Collection: Audio Mostly 2007
Views: 5/1042
This document looks generally at the application of synthetic audio to video games and presents some experimental results and analysis from research in generating efficient synthetic sound for virtual game worlds. Dynamic sound effects for real-time use in game worlds require far more careful thought to design than brute force methods employed where sound is computed prior to delivery, not just in terms of static computational cost, but in how they are structured and behave when parametrised by world events. To make synthetic audio a possibility for the next generation of game audio compromises must be found that satisfy several conflicting variables. Examples are presented that demonstrate cost effective approximations based on key physical parameters and psychoacoustic cues, what can be called "Practical synthetic sound design".
Added by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard  
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