Sound Research WIKINDX

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Bridgett, R., & Paul, L. J. (2006). Establishing an aesthetic in next generation sound design. Gamasutra, Retrieved June 18, 2008, from https://www.gamasutra.c ... _aesthetic_in_next_.php 
Added by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard (6/18/08, 11:35 AM)   Last edited by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard (7/7/21, 9:26 AM)
Resource type: Web Article
BibTeX citation key: Bridgett2006
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Categories: Sound Design
Keywords: Music
Creators: Bridgett, Paul
Collection: Gamasutra
Views: 20/1112
"Previous generation platforms had very strict limits on how many sounds could be played at one time and how much audio could be loaded at any one time. These constraints forced a very particular aesthetic onto those games which could perhaps be learnt from when creating sound for games today. As we move away from having our boundaries and aesthetics defined for us by the hardware, as sound designers we need to enforce our own ‘boundaries’ or refined aesthetics. In this case, refining and constraining the means and methods of production during the art-making process to further focus the resulting aesthetic of the outcome of the process. Instead of the arbitrary constraints from our materials we now have the artistic freedom to choose from a reduced spectrum of materials. It can be used to clarify the basic goal of the artistic process without the confusion of limitless options .This refined aesthetic is a result of a set of rules that you cannot break, and with increasing freedom to achieve anything sonically, the need to enforce limits and boundaries on the choices you make in terms of sound effects and music are becoming more and more paramount."
Not really about sound design -- more simple tips and tricks for recording and creating (in software) music.
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