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Bovermann, T., Tünnermann, R., & Hermann, T. (2010). Auditory augmentation. International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence, 2(2), 27–42. 
Added by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard (7/5/13, 9:54 AM)   
Resource type: Journal Article
Peer reviewed
BibTeX citation key: Bovermann2010
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Categories: Sound Design
Keywords: Modality, Sonification
Creators: Bovermann, Hermann, Tünnermann
Publisher: IGI (Hershey (PA))
Collection: International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence
Views: 18/1017
"With auditory augmentation, the authors describe building blocks supporting the design of data representation tools, which unobtrusively alter the auditory characteristics of structure-borne sounds. The system enriches the structure-borne sound of objects with a sonification of (near) real time data streams. The object’s auditory gestalt is shaped by data-driven parameters, creating a subtle display for ambient data streams. Auditory augmentation can be easily overlaid to existing sounds, and does not change prominent auditory features of the augmented objects like the sound’s timing or its level. In a peripheral monitoring situation, the data stay out of the users’ attention, which thereby remains free to focus on a primary task. However, any characteristic sound change will catch the users’ attention. This article describes the principles of auditory augmentation, gives an introduction to the Reim Software Toolbox, and presents the first observations made in a preliminary long-term user study."
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