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Liljedahl, M., & Fagerlönn, J. 2010, September 14–16, Methods for sound design: A review and implications for research and practice. Paper presented at Audio Mostly 2010, Piteå, Sweden. 
Added by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard (10/27/14, 12:42 PM)   Last edited by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard (10/30/14, 9:01 AM)
Resource type: Proceedings Article
Peer reviewed
DOI: 10.1145/1859799.1859801
BibTeX citation key: Liljedahl2010
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Categories: General
Keywords: User-driven design
Creators: Fagerlönn, Liljedahl
Publisher: Interactive Institute (Piteå, Sweden)
Collection: Audio Mostly 2010
Views: 7/759
"Sound design can be described as an inherently complex task, demanding the designer to understand, master and balance technology, human perception, aesthetics and semiotics. Given this complexity, there are surprisingly few tools available that meet the needs of the general designer or developer incorporating sound as design material. To attend to this situation, two software systems are being developed. The purpose with these is to inform and support general design projects where sound is one part. The first system is intended to inform early stages of sound design projects. The second system is intended to simulate the sounding dimension of physical environments. Together these tools can be used to support designers and developers when searching for, testing and evaluating sounds suitable for interfaces, products and environments. To further complement these systems, a number of methods and guidelines are being developed in tandem. Tests to verify the systems have been conducted with very promising results."
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