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Kramer, G., Walker, B., Bonebright, T., Cook, P., Flowers, J., & Miner, N., et al. (1997). Sonification report: Status of the field and research agenda. Retrieved September 1, 2005, from ... 2.0/References/nsf.html 
Added by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard (9/2/05, 9:33 AM)   Last edited by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard (5/10/13, 2:38 PM)
Resource type: Web Article
BibTeX citation key: Kramer1997
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Categories: Sound Design
Keywords: Sonification
Creators: Bargar, Barrass, Berger, Bonebright, Cook, Evreinov, Fitch, Flowers, Gröhn, Handel, Kaper, Kramer, Levkowitz, Lodha, Miner, Neuhoff, Shinn-Cunningham, Simoni, Tipei, Walker
Views: 5/1121
"The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of sonification research, including the current status of the field and a proposed research agenda. This paper was prepared by an interdisciplinary group of researchers gathered at the request of the National Science Foundation in the fall of 1997 in association with the International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD)."
A survey of the field of sonification with some definitions and agenda for future research.
p.3   "Sonification is defined as the use of nonspeech audio to convey information. More specifically, sonification is the transformation of data relations into perceived relations in an acoustic signal for the purposes of facilitating communication or interpretation."   Added by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard
Keywords:   Sonification
p.5   "...understanding the perception of sonified data is key to the success of any sonification application."   Added by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard
Keywords:   Sonification
p.21   "Multimodal interaction (e.g., between visual and auditory displays) are poorly understood, yet critically affect most sonification applications."   Added by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard
Keywords:   Sonification
p.5   Because humans are remarkably sensitive to small changes in audio frequency and other time-based changes or differences, sonification is useful for understanding complicated temporal data or changing data embedded within static data. Additionally, unlike the eyes, the ears need not be oriented in any particular direction in order to sense a stimulus or a change in stimulus.   Added by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard
Keywords:   Sonification