Sound Research WIKINDX

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Howard, D. M., & Angus, J. (1996). Acoustics and psychoacoustics. Oxford: Focal Press. 
Added by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard (9/10/04, 8:44 AM)   
Resource type: Book
BibTeX citation key: Howard1996
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Categories: General
Keywords: Acoustics, Psychoacoustics
Creators: Angus, Howard
Publisher: Focal Press (Oxford)
Views: 5/1180
p.1   "At a physical level sound is simply a mechanical disturbance of the medium, which may be air, or a solid, liquid or other gas. However, such a simplistic description is not very useful as it provides no information about the way this disturbance travels, or any of its characteristics other than the requirement for a medium in order for it to propagate. What is required is a more accurate description which can be used to make predictions of the behaviour of sound in a variety of contexts."   Added by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard
Keywords:   Definition of sound