Sound Research WIKINDX |
Resource type: Proceedings Article BibTeX citation key: MartinezHerbandez2007a Email resource to friend View all bibliographic details |
Categories: General Keywords: Perception Creators: Adiloglu, Annies, Martinez Hernandez, Obermayer, Purwins Publisher: Audio Mostly (Röntgenbau, Ilmenau, Germany) Collection: Audio Mostly 2007 |
Views: 2/821
Abstract |
In the recognition and classification of sounds, extracting perceptually and biologically relevant features yields much better results than the standard low-level methods (e.g zero-crossings, roll-off, centroid, energy, etc.). Gamma-tone filters are biologically relevant, as they simulate the motion of the basilar membrane. The representation techniques that we propose in this paper make use of the gamma-tone filters, combined with the Hilbert transform or hair cell models, to represent everyday sounds. Different combinations of these methods have been evaluated and compared in perceptual classification tasks to classify everyday sounds like doors and footsteps by using support vector classification. After calculating the features a feature integration technique is applied, in order to reduce the high dimensionality of the features. The everyday sounds are obtained from the commercial sound database “SoundIdeas”. However, perceptual labels assigned by human listeners are considered rather than the labels delivered by the actual soundsource. These perceptual classification tasks are performed to classify the everyday sounds according to their function, like classifying the door sounds as ”opening” and” closing” doors. In this paper, among the gamma-tone-based representation techniques, other spectral and psycho-acoustical representation techniques are also evaluated. The experiments show that the gamma-tone-based representation techniques are superior for perceptual classification tasks of everyday sounds. The gamma-tone filters combined with a inner hair cell model and with the Hilbert transform yield the most accurate results in classifying everyday sounds.
Added by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard Last edited by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard |