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Paul, L. J. 2003, March 6–8, Game audio: Coding vs. aesthetics. Unpublished paper presented at Game Developers' Conference. 
Added by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard (6/19/08, 8:46 AM)   Last edited by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard (6/19/08, 9:05 AM)
Resource type: Conference Paper
BibTeX citation key: Paula
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Categories: Interactive Music, Sound Design
Keywords: aesthetics
Creators: Paul
Collection: Game Developers' Conference
Views: 12/1032
The key to creating successful immersive game audio to balance the technical and creative elements. Too often one is sacrificed at the expense of the other due to their assumed opposing natures.

In the “good old days” of video game audio, one person would wear both hats of audio coder and sound designer/composer. In today’s video game world with escalating budgets and
highly complex game platforms, the work must be split between several people, which threatens to increase this fundamental rift.

In an effort to bridge this problem we should approach audio production from the creative and technical viewpoints simultaneously to arrive at the desired goal of successful game audio.
Added by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard  Last edited by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard
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