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Ekman, I. 2008, October 22–23, Psychologically motivated techniques for emotional sound in computer games. Paper presented at Audio Mostly 2008, Piteå, Sweden. 
Added by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard (11/21/08, 3:56 AM)   
Resource type: Proceedings Article
BibTeX citation key: Ekman2008
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Categories: Sound Design
Keywords: Emotion, Music
Creators: Ekman
Publisher: Interactive Institute (Piteå, Sweden)
Collection: Audio Mostly 2008
Views: 2/936
"One main function of sound in games is to create and enhance emotional impact. The expressive model for game sound has its tradition in sound design for linear audiovisual media: animation and cinema. Current theories on emotional responses to fiction are mainly concerned with linear medial, and only partly applicable to interactive systems like games. The interactivity inherent to games introduces new requirements for sound design, and suggests a break in perception compared with linear media. This work reviews work on emotional responses to fiction and applies them to the area of game sound. The synthesis is interdisciplinary, combining information and insights from a number of fields, including psychology of emotion, film sound theory, experimental research on music perception and philosophy. The paper identifies two competing frameworks for explaining fictional emotions, with specific requirements, and signature techniques for sound design. The role of sound is examined in both cases. The result is a psychologically motivated theory of sound perception capable of explaining the emotional impact of sound in film, as well as identifying the similarities and difference in emotional sound design for these two media."
Added by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard  
p.22   The role of sound in film (and, for Ekman, by extension games) is "to make things on screen seem real [...] to create a sense of immediacy", to support and facilitate gameplay and to provoke "sensory pleasure and displeasure."   Added by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard
Keywords:   Emotion
Of course, several of these support each other, especially the first point is supported by others (a sense of immediacy or pleasure/displeasure contributes to a sense of the real).   Added by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard  (2009-01-08 10:59:27)
p.25   Typically in film, sounds (especially dialogue) is used to drive the narrative; in games, sounds support player action and hence have a greater utility value as opposed to narrative value.   Added by: Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard
Keywords:   Utility Narrative